DonEl Learning Inc

Learning Architecture for 
Industry, Education, & Government

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Consulting and Services to Business and Industry

1996            Silicon Valley Training Technologies / Hewlett Packard Business Continuity Program

1979-81       VXTX Training Proposal, (Author/Editor) Lockheed California Company, Burbank CA

1977            Video Disc Planning Project, Universal Educational-Industrial Films, Hollywood CA

1975-76       Chair, Federal Audiovisual Committee Task Force #6: Summary Annual Report to the President, the Congress and the Public.

1974-76       Charter Member, Board of Directors, Association for Multi-Image

1974            Social Education Research and Development Inc., Silver Spring MD

1972-74       General Electric Company, Space Systems Division, Beltsville MD

1971             Mullins Broadcasting Company, Denver CO

1966-69       Technical Director, Trainex Inc., Garden Grove CA

1964-66       Instructional Designer, Education and Training Consultants, Los Angeles


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Last Updated: 09/11/13