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Donald George Perrin Ph.D.

1873 Calle Borrego, Thousand Oaks CA 91360
Phone: 805-375-3444 Cell: 805-300-8080 email:


Donald G. Perrin has a Ph.D. in Communications and Instructional Technology from University of Southern California. In 1988-97, he founded and directed the Alquist Center for Innovative Learning at San Jose State University (SJSU) to train and collaborate with faculty to develop interactive multimedia and web-based learning. He assisted SJSU’s Television Education Network to develop distance learning courses for industry. He taught graduate courses in the Instructional Technology Department, College of Education for instructional designers and industries in the Silicon Valley. Courses included Research and Theory, Advanced Instructional Design, and Multimedia Production. He  taught Futures of Education via ITFS television.

Hewlett Packard and Lockheed California Corporation employed Dr. Perrin to develop global training programs. He also developed curriculum and satellite teleconferences for the State of California, and collaborated with the Ohana Foundation to pioneer integrated web-DVD standards-based curriculum for K-12. Throughout his career as professor and trainer-of-teachers, he developed and taught distance education programs via television and interactive multimedia. Since 2001 he has taught online business courses for the University of Maryland University College.

He edited the refereed USDLA Journal and Ed at a Distance from 1995-2003. In 2004 he was founder and executive editor of the      refereed International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning.

Academia and industry recognize Dr. Perrin for his interdisciplinary skills and productivity in research, needs assessment, curriculum development, proposal writing,  publication, media production, dissemination, teaching, evaluation, and quality assurance for distance and flexible learning.

Personal Data:


8-12-1934, Melbourne Australia

Marital Status:

Married, Five Children, ages 42 to 54


Elizabeth Perrin Ph.D.

Home Address:

1873 Calle Borrego, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360

Home Phone:

805-375-3444              Mobile:   805-300-8080


Travel, hiking, camping, boating, photography, computers.

Post-Secondary Education:

2001           Web Tycho Instructor Certification, University of Maryland University College

1995           Certificate in Total Quality Management, San Jose State University.

1982            California State Colleges Administrator Credential.

1969           Doctor of Philosophy, University of Southern California.
Major: Communications Minor: Instructional Technology           

1962           Master of Arts, University of Southern California
Major: Cinema Minor: Education

1960        Bachelor of Arts Magna Cum Laude, University of Southern California
Major: Letters, Arts & Sciences, Minor: Cinema

1952-54   68 Units toward Bachelor of Science Degree, University of Melbourne, Australia.
                Major: Chemistry, Minor: Geology

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Last Updated: 09/11/13